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Edible Wild Plants, Emergency Food, Emergency Food Supply, Emergency Preparedness, Plant Foraging, Self-reliance, Survival Skills, Wild Food Foraging -

Picture this: You have found yourself in a survival-type situation. Luckily, you were well prepared with emergency food, water, and supplies when the survival situation first began, but it has been several months, and your food supply is running low. It’s time to turn to nature for some added sustenance. You walk outside and look around you. There is enough plant life outside to feed everyone, but how do you know which plants are edible and which ones are potentially poisonous? This situation is not the stuff of science fiction novels. Every single person who has found him/herself in a...

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Emergency Food, Emergency Food Supply, Emergency Preparedness, Food Storage, Food Storage Secrets, Long-term Food Storage Guidelines, Long-term Food Storage tips -

If you are in the process of putting away food storage to prepare for emergencies, chances are at some point in the process, you have or are going to feel overwhelmed by the task before you. Planning for unknown circumstances is always a challenge, and to top it off, there is a variety of (often conflicting) information in the food storage world about what and how to store your emergency food. Before you get too frustrated and give up, take a look at the most important rules of emergency food storage. 1. DO SOMETHING. When we have a big task...

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Emergency Cooking, Emergency Preparedness, Self-reliance, Solar Cooking, Solar Ovens, Survival Ovens -

All too often, people who find themselves in emergency situations realize that they may have food to last them for several days, but they have absolutely no way to cook their food without power. Emergency situations often include a loss of power for some period of time, and if you don’t have a backup method of cooking your food, you’re going to have to do a lot of raw eating. There are a variety of emergency cookstoves, dutch ovens, and barbecues to choose from if you’ve planned in advance, but today we are going to talk about solar cooking, a...

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Fruit Trees, Self-reliance, Tree Pruning tips, Tree Trimming basics -

      Did you know that in most parts of the U.S., right now (late winter and into early spring) is a good time to get the pruning scissors out and trim those fruit trees you’ve got growing? If you’ve hesitated to tackle the tree pruning before, today we offer some basics of tree trimming to help you get your fruit trees in their best, most fruitful condition. Why is Fruit-Tree Pruning Important? Pruning your fruit trees offers the following benefits: 1. Pruning helps a tree to have a good basic structure to be able to bear the weight...

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Homestand Preparation Station Enables Oklahomans to More Easily Stock Storm Shelters with Emergency Supplies; First Brick-And-Mortar Store to Feature Legacy OKLAHOMA CITY—March 19, 2014—Legacy Food Storage, a Utah-based manufacturer of emergency food storage and other essentials, is teaming up with a new emergency preparation store in Oklahoma City, Homestand Preparation Station, to make it easier for those in this tornado-prone region to stock their homes and storm shelters with food, water and other items critical during – and after – a natural disaster and other emergencies. Opening Thursday, Homestand is the first brick-and-mortar store to sell Legacy products, which have...

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