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That special time of year, when it’s commonplace to give gifts to friends and loved ones, is just around the corner. The holiday season is one of my favorite times of the year, and I have a small confession… I have already started drinking eggnog and listening to the Holiday music. And so, in thinking about this special season, what better way to share the holiday spirit than by looking for great emergency preparedness gifts and items to give away to friends, co-workers, and family. Stocking Stuffers – Great Gifts under $30 For those who don’t have unlimited resources, we...

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If you live in an area that is prone to severe winter weather, such as blizzards, ice storms and subzero temperatures, then devising ways to keep warm during extended power outages should be part of your emergency preparedness, along with stocking water, survival food, and other gear to be self sufficient. Before winter arrives, be sure your house is well insulated, and that all cracks around doors and windows have been sealed. Stock up on wood if you have a fireplace or wood stove, or pellets if you have a pellet stove. Consider purchasing space heaters and a good gas...

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The United States government website on emergency preparedness recommends three key things: (1) get an emergency supply kit, (2) make a family emergency plan, and (3) be informed about the different types of emergencies that could occur and their appropriate responses. It is further recommended that you keep an emergency supply kit at home and one in each car.A minimum of three days worth of water, nonperishable survival food, a first aid kit, and clothing are among the emergency preparedness supplies you should have on hand, and they should be updated for the seasons. With winter quickly approaching, now is...

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Emergency preparedness is crucial, now more than ever. With heightened terrorism alerts and the recent frequency of natural disasters, everyone should be taking the initiative to stock emergency food storage and set up a survival kit. First and foremost, keep yourself and your family safe.You may be asking yourself how you can help others during a disaster. The single most important thing you can do to help is to make sure that you and your family are prepared for emergency situations. The less you have to rely on outside help, the more it frees up those resources to help others....

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There are basic items that you would want to have in your survival kit, such as food, water, shelter, first aid kit and clothing. These are the essentials that will help you get through any emergency situation, and you have planned out in detail the items to be packed. Beyond the basics that you’ve prepared for emergencies, there are some other tools and utensils that will make a survival situation much more tolerable. Some you will want to pack in your bug out bag, and some you will want to pack in your secondary survival storage to be grabbed given...

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